David’s Birthday Dinner!


因為大家都無所謂,就一於亂來一次….好東西,壞東西,正如我呀媽成日都話”One Man’s Poison is another Man’s Feast” …唔試個真係唔知岩唔岩自己.


Grande : 西貢灣景街26號

 Comment: 不過不失,有禮貌,有心的. 不過就是欠了點驚喜.
我最喜歡個Cesar Salad. 很新鮮,dressing 做得好足.
Seafood Pasta 很多料,但是普通得很…
Dessert 有Tiramisu…好在有scoop Vanilla雪糕幫了不少手!!

有室內,有露天,大概十張檯only. 地方是不錯的. 是談天說地的好地方. 
再來??? 不是不會,但是想要試的餐廳還有很多 😛 

Open Rice Review:


很少會有機會講下其他人既Blog, 今次係無意間發然一位老人家
也寫起Blog來, 看到大大人講歷史,生活點滴,原來都是學集的一個好機會.



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最近在電視睇到我很喜歡的光良有一個新既廣告…for Malaysia Tourism. 好靚,歌好聽, 好喜歡!!睇完又睇睇完又睇 😛

其實….馬來西亞係唔係真係咁靚?? 同買係邊到可以見都D土人???
不過其實馬來西亞都幾得意,有英國植文地色彩, 久不久又會聽都廣東話, 又有山又有水,真的好想再深入了解佢多D 🙂




食開飯講起話安全島燈箱幾錢一個… and heres what I found online!!!!

安全島燈箱 : 每 個 約 $4,000-$6,000 
路牌 : 每 塊 約 $1,000 
鐵欄 : 每 米 約 $1,000 
石牆 : 每 米 約 $800 
交通燈 : 每 支 約 $8,000-$14,000 
電燈柱 : 每 支 約 $4,000-$14,000 
水龍頭 : 每 個 約 $4,000


Is coffee/caffeine good or bad if you have the flu?



So this question bring up to me when its about a coffee break….


Answer: No. Not a good idea.
Reason: It dehydrates you.  Fluid helps replenish cells and to push the flu out of your body.
What is the best fluid for flu: Pure water.  At most, add some lemon and/or honey with it.

Sweet ‘Comfort’ Parcel

Something sweet came in today by UPS mail again… 🙂

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山頭火 Ramen Santouka

係吉之島既山頭火超多人排隊…所以真係唔係Late lunch 都唔會去…要我等一粒鐘去食一個Meal我真係頂唔順…..我屎忽有釘架嘛…坐唔耐….

就係一次機緣巧合下我地終於可以一試 山頭火拉麵!!

店細得很....2:30pm 還有人排隊!!

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Macau Trip (Part 5 of 5)

With the lucky money from the Casino, we decided to go for a great decent Portuguese dinner!

The 官也街 area…A place worth to visit in the day time and its the perfect place for snacking souvenirs!

However, before the dinner we went to the famous “Rua do Cunha” a.k.a. souvenir street (官也街, 又稱手信街) to buy some gift for Pauline’s family and nevertheless, Pauline’s favorite peanut candy from Kui Kee! (鉅記)!!

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Macau Trip (Part 4 of 5)

Last night we were playing at The Venetian Macao Casino with the complimentary HKD$100 and lost all of it 😐 So today we decided to have some fun Casino Hopping to explore a bit and try our luck on the slots machines~ 😛

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Macau Trip (Part 3 of 5)

I have been wanting to go visit the Lighthouse for over 15 years.  Never had the chance nor the guys are never interested to it.  Anyhow, what can be better to visit it for the very first time with my Pauline??
Even Better!!!

东望洋灯塔 (Farol da Guia) and the Offical Landmark of Macau

Ok…so heres a brief description about the place. The Light tower is built on the tallest mountain in Macau. It is the official landmark of Macau and it is surrounded by the 松山公園.

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Macau Trip (Part 2 of 5)

So we got our room once we reached Macau, The Venetian had coach bus bringing us from the Pier to the hotel for free and it was a really nice touch to the journey. (Especially in the rain!)

The hotel suite! All of their rooms are in suite and its really spacious and comfy!
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Macau Trip (Part 1 of 5)

My dear Andrew had made arrangements for us to spend 2D/1N at Macau~~ 😀

So There We Go!!

Before heading for the ferry to Macau in 信德中心 Shun Tak Pier in Sheung Wan, we decided to have lunch at 澳門茶餐廳 Macau Restaurant found there, they serve Macau food~

澳門茶餐廳 Macau Restaurant @ 信德�心 Shun Tak Pier

澳門茶餐廳 Macau Restaurant @ 信德中心 Shun Tak Pier

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試過好幾隻車冷氣用Air cleaner, 總係覺得效果唔係好得…今次經過深水步,

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