Cyberport Weekend Market – 數碼港週末藝墟

What a cozy/lazy Sunday! First we had a picnic at the Cyberport Waterfront Park with
Kannie.  Beautiful Sun and autumn breeze, Blue cheese salad, assorted sushi, lemonade!
(everything can be purchased at the Park n’ Shop at Cyberport Arcade :P)

Then we visit the Cyberport Weekend Market to chill and ends the day!

The Happy Dog and Pauline with her blue cheese salad!

The Cyberport Weekend Market
Free admission and free music and  movie on the Sunday weekend.


with over 20 stalls selling clothing, arts, handmades, and food too!  Its sure a great place to hangout
when you feel like outdoor!

How to get there:
Google Map

At the Cyberport Arcade.

More information:
Visit their Facebook Page
